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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! We are really looking forward to another year of learning and fun together.

This term you will be taught by Miss Gale & Miss Fairbairn.

Other members of the Year 3 team are: Miss Lambourne, Miss Howard & Mrs Thomas.

Coloured reading books will be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday and library books on a Friday. However, please ensure reading books are in school every day so that we can read with your child or they can access for quiet reading.

P.E. in Year 3 is on a Monday and a Friday. PE will be outdoors, weather permitting, so please ensure suitable outdoor PE clothing is enclosed.

Weekly spellings will checked and new spellings set on a Thursday afternoon. These will be posted on Seesaw, Spelling Shed and hard copy of spellings sent home. Mymaths homework will be set on a Friday and expected to be completed by the following Friday.

If you have any questions, then please catch us at the Year 3 door or email the office.