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The admission number for Downsway School is 30 children. Children are able to start at Downsway in the September following their 4th birthday as Foundation Stage pupils, where they have their own classroom and secure outdoor play area.

Formal applications for admission to Downsway are made via West Berkshire Council.

The area traditionally served by the school is shown here you may have to enter Downsway into the search box). If you live within this area, priority will be given to your request for a place in the school, providing the request is made before the closing date. The closing date can be obtained from the school, West Berkshire Council.

If you live outside this area, but still wish your child to come to Downsway, consideration of your request will be made upon the basis of:

  • Children with Statements of Educational Needs
  • Family links with the school
  • All other applications

Should you have difficulty arranging for a place at Downsway for your child’s first entry into full time schooling, you should contact West Berkshire Council School Admissions Team for advice.

In the term before children start school, a meeting will be held for parents to discuss school routine and the entry arrangements.  The children are invited to take part in activities in the Foundation Stage.  There will be the opportunity for a half-day visit for the children to help familiarise them with the surroundings and help them to feel secure about starting school.


The application deadline for September 2024 admissions into Foundation Stage is the 15th January 2025.  Please apply via your own Local Authority.

Any admission appeals are through West Berkshire Council school admissions team.